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Image City




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Gallery Picks of the Show

Women's Perspectives 2023

June 13 - July 9, 2023

Gallery Partners have chosen our "Picks of the Show"
by Guest Photographers

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All images copyright by the individual photographers

Look Up! by Diane Dersch 

Look up! By Diane Dersch

Diane Dersch advises us to “Look up!” in this marvelous Gallery Pick of a portion of a pine forest. I can almost feel the bed of pine needles under my back as I take my place in comfortable repose on the forest floor. I feel a light breeze as the freshness of the woodlands cools the afternoon warmth of the sun. I hear a distant woodpecker hammering for food, the rustling of the countless squirrels scurrying to and fro among the trees and brush on the ground and the numerous birds chirping as they bounce from limb to limb never quite sitting still for very long. Three prominent, large trees form the anchor of Diane’s vision as the other seemingly smaller trees stretch to reach the height of the major three. It’s also significant that the clouds form a circle around the major point of focus of the three and assists my eye to remain in the image as I view the form and textures of the balance of the image without leaving the image itself. The three major trees act as leading lines as my eyes view the heavens and I ponder the ability of nature to ground us and reward us with a vision of tranquility. By Dick Bennett

Broken Childhood by Elena Dilai

Broken Childhood by Elena Dilai

Broken Childhood “continues Elena Dilai outstanding portraits of how Ukrainians are affected by war. Childhood should be a time of exploration, playing games and smiling. We are expected to seeing smiling, happy children in child portraits. What we see here is blank stares. What should be a happy time is now a question. What should I look forward to?  What type of dreams do I create for me? Where is my home? What the stares do tell us that these children know that some part of the youth has been stolen. The use of broken glass adds a much-needed perspective to the image. Broken glass in an image is cliché, something to add interest to an image. In this image, though, the broken glass adds a very strong statement. It illustrates both a diminished childhood and the destruction war creates. Once again, Elena Dilia is showing how the power of photography can touch us to understand the misfortunes of war, especially to children. By Gil Maker 

Bodie Light Keeper by Joyce Freitas

Bodie Light Keeper by Joyce Freitas

Joyce Freitas joins several other women photographers in this show. Collectively, like Joyce, their work ranges from landscapes, waterfalls, and wildlife photography. The Bodie Light Keeper photo caught my eye because it resembles, in a small way, Andrew Wyeth’s painting, “Christina’s World,” - minus Christina, of course! The low perspective adds height to the wheat in the foreground, but it also gives me the feeling of looking up a hill at the house in the field beyond the trees. Those three elements give me the feeling of incredible depth to this image. At first glance this photo seems very simple; a field, two trees, and a house, but the tonality and the muted colors add to the perspective and create a scene I want to spend some time with trying to understand the story it tells. Well done, Joyce! By Don Menges

Autumn Fog by Christy Hibsch

Autumn Fog by Christy Hibsch

When viewing Christy Hibsch’s Gallery Pick, Autumn Fog, I recall the words of Emily Bronte in Wuthering Heights, “The morning fog was a reminder that the world is full of hidden beauty waiting to be discovered.” Christy’s photo truly captures the essence and feeling of a peaceful, mysterious autumn morning at Letchworth State Park. The image is a subject for contemplation and inspiration. As my eye follows the path, I find myself wondering what lies ahead waiting to be discovered. Nature is for reverence and the more we look at this image, we are aware of the quiet inwardness and peace of solitude where one can feel the presence of the unknown. There is a sense of overwhelming calm, as we experience a serene eloquent scene, where beauty is not static, but contingent upon each individual’s unique preference, feelings and circumstances. For example, as I continue to stare at the image, I am reminded of the days of Camelot, and I am wondering if perhaps Sir Lancelot lies in the far distance waiting to rescue Lady Guinevere. The way the fog is hanging low over the trees and ground in the distance adds to the sense of mystery, intrigue, and serenity. The colors of the leaves are muted by the fog, giving the photo a dreamy quality. The composition of the photo is effective with the path leading the eye towards the misty background. Thank you, Christy, for capturing such a captivating and inspiring image for all to enjoy for posterity. by Marie Costanza

Reverence by Margy Meath


Reverence by Margy Meath

As I stare at Margy Meath’s Gallery Pick, Reverence, I begin to think about the symbolism associated with owls: wisdom, intuition, supernatural power, independent thinking and observant listening. Snowy owls are often associated with good fortune, and it has been said that if you spot one, you will instantly be filled with the confidence necessary to overcome life’s difficulties. In Native American traditions, the Snowy Owl is a messenger who is responsible for carrying wisdom from the Elders to the human with whom the Snowy Owl interacts. It is said that if you meditate with this owl, the answers to your questions will be revealed. I wonder if Margy had any questions for the Snowy Owl as she stared at it before taking this stunning photo. Margy’s photo is a fine example of an effective wildlife image. The placement of the owl within its surrounding environment enhances the image as it enables the viewer to imagine what the owl might be doing. The well-lit photo brings out the details and textures of the owl’s feathers and wooden post. The sharp focus on the owl’s eye enables the viewer to appreciate the beauty of this owl as it stands guard on its lookout post. By photographing this image close to sunset, it is enhanced by the soft muted colors of the sky and field, which evokes a sense of mystery, wisdom and grace; and creates a sense of calm and tranquility. Thank you, Margy, for this stunning and impactful image of a snowy owl that illustrates the beauty and majesty of this magnificent creature. By Marie Costanza

Image City Photography Gallery  ♦   722 University Avenue  ♦    Rochester, NY 14607 ♦ 585.271.2540
In the heart of ARTWalk in the Neighborhood of the Arts